Saturday, April 12, 2008


BUYER BEWARE WHEN BUYING PERSONALIZED PRODUCTS FOR YOURSELF OR YOUR CHILDREN OR, IN MY CASE, A BUSINESS! I had submitted my logo and font information (which I have purchased the rights to) in order to get a quote and sample proof for an item on Ebay. This was an item that I would give to my clients at the maternity fair or in addition to the burp cloths that I currently give to my maternity/newborn clients. Apparently another admirer, this girl has decided to use the information that I sent to her in order to promote her own online business. I just don't get it, my there no moral compass anymore? Why would someone solicit business and then use what you send them for their own business purposes? Is it just me? Am I just being a little too OCD over this? I just would never do this and maybe that's why it seems unacceptable to me. I'll change my logo and font as some may have noticed already and re-register all over again. It's just so un-fun! And, of course, I haven't heard back from the girl either.

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